Sunday, June 24, 2018

Cross Roads

What happened:

And below, the owner of the restaurant shares her thought process.

This is one of those situations, regardless of which side you are on, that is far more simple to discern from a distance and in retrospect.
In the heat of the moment, it comes down to this: Suppose you owned this tiny restaurant in the heart of a rural town that went solidly, if not boldly, for Trump, and that anger, dismay and disappointment fueled your views of the president and his administration.
Small business owners are routinely loathe to get involved with politics, asthey can't survive if they whittle down the list of potential customers.
I doubt those on the side of Trump could or would applaud the Red Hen owner and her decision to ask her staff, get a consensus, and then in restaurant terms, 86 Sanders and her crowd.
Those of us who are not Trump supporters should embrace this moment. Sanders has been the relentless face and sound of the constant stream of lies that this administration sells to its base as truth. 
Sanders has operated, in my view, in an impossible situation, but that she has lasted this long tells me a great deal about her character, or rather, lack of it. She's content to glide along, spreading the mustard on this shit sandwich, day after day after day after day.
Perhaps karma will never catch up with her, or Trump, or his allies.
On the other hand, maybe it will if more people decide that as Neil Young once sang, "There comes a time."
It's here.
That time is now.
Act. Vote. Stay involved. Do not give in or give up.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Sarah is in an impossible situation. She chooses to stay, however. And after following her father for a while and watching Sarah in action, I'm inclined to think that she likely fits in comfortably with this despicable administration.

    While I applaud the sentiments of the owners and employees of the Red Hen, I do fear this is a slippery slope. After all, it hasn't been that long ago that restaurants often refused to serve people based on their skin color.
