Thursday, January 10, 2019


Think about the times
You won. 
And the times 
You lost.

What was the difference?

Did it matter the nature of the game?

Were you confident?

Did you win big?

Have you lost big?

What is winning?

Winning and losing are not routinely 
Cut and dry, or black and white:
Fine lines outbid absolutes.

Mostly, our lives linger in the shadows,
On the border of where
Expectation and Hope rub shoulders,
Neither is out of reach or is accessible.

Bummer, isn’t it?

That most of life is a series of 50-50 balls and calls.
Those moments that can go either way,
And maybe the deciding factor,
As it is with most endeavors,
Is your attitude.

Here’s a convenience store
Psychology test.

You have half a bottle of an expensive beverage,
Or maybe just a beverage hard to find,
Or that you simply crave.

Is it half full?
Or half empty?

Be honest with yourself.

Half-full is one way to accept and deal with the world.
Half-empty is another.

Are you an optimist?
Are you a pessimist?


And why not?

Do you believe in the power
Of positive thinking?

Or is it fool's gold —
A fake pearl in front of an actual swine.

When you shoot, putt, aim, steer, roll or seduce,
Do you have an image of success?

Is reality pre-destined?

Does free will exist? 
Where can you rent it?


One thing i do know is
that process is the result.

Each process is a universe,
A life and arc of its own.

As The Who would say:

I'm singing this note 'cause it fits in well
With the chords I'm playing
I can't pretend there's any meaning here
Or in the things I'm saying
But I'm in tune
Right in tune
I'm in tune
And I'm gonna tune
Right in on you
Right in on you
Right in on you