Friday, December 11, 2020

Once Ago


You said stay;

I said no.


You said go;

I said stay.

You didn't though.

What do we know?

Once upon a time

Was such a very,

Long time ago.

Here we are.

We're quite the pair.

One of us standing;

the other in mid air.

Neither of us

Actually there.

What do we know?

That we still care?

That we're friends

Who take the dare?

Show me the stairs.

It's been quite the year.

The plague is back in town.

As are the robber barons

And the racists in gowns.

The ne'er do wells

With the orange crowns.

Is that sun coming up

Or going down?


I look out to sea.

Dreaming of liberty.

But what do i know.

Once upon a time

Was such a very

Long time ago.