Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Words, Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones
May break my bones
But words will never hurt me.

Sadly, that phrase is so 20th century and does not apply now.

Trump's inflammatory language, at Chernobyl levels of toxic this past week, was uttered to do much more than merely insult. It was a call to arms. He seeks to motivate his base with violence.

Morally bankrupt has been a phrase often used, particularly, as Trump emboldens himself further and further into the kind of mental imbalance that defines madness. He is totally corrupt and far more stupid than he knows.

The pathetic aspect of this is that this is no longer really about Trump (we know who this asshole is) — it is the cowards who refuse to speak out until they have nothing to lose ... Paul Ryan being the poster wuss for this. We've also learned that this is not so much about Trump, but rather the enormous boulder that Trump uncovered, allowing the white supremacists, American Nazis, bigots and racists of all flavors, idiots, assholes, mentally uncurious, and simply those who get their news from tweets to crawl out and slither into the mainstream. These are people that in sane times would be disregarded by members of both parties. Quickly.

But we have learned that courage outage is not relegated to one party, but rather most of those elected to Congress. Easy to talk big when one has opted to not seek re-election, Jeff — perfectly named — Flake leading the pack with his "bravery." 

We have discovered that the GOP is afraid of Trump, but so are the democrats, who insist that politics is still politics. Not true in the Trump phase. This is street warfare with no rules, obviously.

But the dems keep thinking Norman Rockwell is painting this picture. Salvador Dali is closer to the truth, and a Dali hopped up on pretty bad acid at that.

When I see a member of congress boasting that the House is "threatening" to condem Kellyanne Conway, or William Barr ... what a fucking joke. Threaten? Why threaten? Do it. And really that condemnation is nothing more than a parking ticket. Felony charges will get the job done. And it is obvious to many sane people that Trump and his cohorts have been breaking the law at the speed of tweet.

Barr joins McConnell as the two enablers of greatest significance. Barr has proven himself to be John Goodman as Roy Cohn, while McConnell has stacked the courts with conservatives without left eyes, and lined his pockets with Russian cash.

We are fucked until people on both sides of the aisle figure out that power is not the goal. Getting rid of this cancer is self- and country-preserveration. It is the Icarus cabinet, resisiting science as if it were disease, and with that short-sighted greed they are forcing all of us to wear wax wings and fly toward the sun.

This is not hyperbole.

Climate change is beyond real at this point. And sadly, perhaps tragically, those with the power to do something, anything, about it, are intent only on making more money. This is lunacy.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Mark. The only thing I question is if felony charges would even affect this bunch of crooks. As long as they have Barr to protect them, I have my doubts. It's almost unbelievable how quickly we've fallen so far under trump.
