Saturday, August 22, 2020


Early one morning moments after a fresh pot of coffee has just been made.

ME: Wait a minute, and hold the phone, Nellie! Are you suggesting a politician would prevaricate? 

REALITY: Yes. But not just your run of the mill mendacious elected official.

No, in this case it's Trump, who will  falsify, belie, misrepresent; pervert, twist, distort, strain, warp, slant, color; gild, varnish, gloss, doctor, dress up, embellish, embroider, exaggerate, inflate, blow up, puff up, magnify, enlarge on, Inf. pile or lay it on, Inf. lay it on thick, carry too far; boast, brag, Inf. talk through one's hat. 

As well as mislead, deceive, lead up the garden path, throw off the scent, put [s.o.] on a false scent, drag or draw a red herring across the trail; misinform, give [s.o.] a bum steer, pull the wool over [s.o.'s] eyes. 

In addition, that charlatan will lie in his throat lie grossly or maliciously, slander, defame, libel, calumniate, traduce; perjure himself, swear falsely, bear false witness; lie through his  teeth, lie like a trooper, lie like a rug; speak with forked tongue, Inf. tell the big lie.

ME: That about covers it.

REALITY: Assume nothing.

(Karma wanders into the kitchen in his pajamas, yawning,  grabs an empty coffee cup and fills it.)

KARMA: You rang?

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