Sunday, August 26, 2018

Rustler's Renaissance

So …

Once upon a moment
Luck beckons,
Then turns south.
No fire on the mountain.
No gift horse
Or its mouth.
Above the saloon
In a stale room 
One eye on the ceiling
The other on adieu
No one promised heaven
Or even
A damn good view.

Down below
A pack of drifters
Lurks as idle
As muttered threats
Until they hear
The signal
That sets them free.
Dust on the horizon;
Someone yells
Nostrils flaring,
Pistols blaring:
Someone’s burning
Rattlesnake weed.

Running hard
To the river
Where tracks
And sins
As if someone
Willed release:
Taming a hurricane,
A bandit priest.

Then, the hidden trail
To the secret canyon
That no posse will ever find.
In the distance
Near the concealed cabin
A lonesome fiddle
Greets an old companion —
A steel guitar
That had just made bail.

Soon, even the veterans
Feel the urge to dance;
Echoes of Butch
And Sundance
Trading desert jeans
for tailored pants;
Getting primed for
The revolution:
A Rustler’s Renaissance. 

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