Gentle murmur
Spreads from the lobby
To inside the theatre.
It’s nearly a full house
For the Sunday matinee,
Which is usually subdued,
If not comatose.
But not today.
A throng of activists
Have arrived to see their friends,
And there’ll be no shortage of energy.
Theatre folks not only make
The best theatre, they’re
The best audience.
The default mode is support.
And if those on stage respect the work,
The reward comes in waves.
Lights flicker, then dim as
The taped welcome begins
And, at last, ends.
Lights go completely out.
It’s true.
You can hear a pin drop;
The focus in the room is tangible;
A breathing, living force.
And we’re off!
Another walk on the wire,
One careful, yet joyous,
Step at a time.