Wednesday, December 18, 2019

UNC basketball: Process vs Result

There will be some who appreciate the following thoughts. There will be many who don't.

Who am i to have the audacity to suggest these things? A fan, just like you. Read it or not. Up to you.

1. Too many fans are acting as if what has transpired this season has been a personal insult. That's  absurd. Everyone involved in this equation: players, staff and fans had strong expectations, some of which were based on the past. My own view continues to be that given time Roy and his staff will help the players evolve individually and as a team.

The fair-weather Tar Heel fans are usually the least informed, and the first to toss blame hand grenades.

At this point, with the situation as it is, one is either on the UNC bus or not. 

Quit whining. 

Support the team.

I have seen suggestions that UNC simply forfeit the season because that poster does not want to watch the carnage.

Grow a damn pair.

There are players on the current team who will be on the roster next season. They are going to get more experience than anyone imagined this year. If one looks only at the results, it will be a bleak season. BUT, if one pays attention to process, you will most assuredly see glimpses, some of them sustained longer than others, of what the future holds.

i would remind the UNC fanatics that Carolina Basketball is an element in your life, not at all your total life. It is a diversion more than anything. Too many fanatics base their existence on the physical efforts of kids who are not old enough to vote.

Get some perspective. 

Yes, the team is struggling. 

I would suggest the fanatics ask themselves, other than posting Pity Party Snark, how much effort they are PERSONALLY putting into the development of the team?

I already know that answer. So do you.

I have seen too many posts addressing one of UNC’s worst seasons and the beating Clemson at home streak, as if one was yet another personal insult, and that the Clemson streak was something they themselves had worked to maintain. And by posting this crap, even more pressure is put upon players who know they’re struggling. 

You don’t need to remind them.

2. We've seen injuries decimate the football program during Fedora's last two seasons, as well as do a pretty strong job on UNC's secondary this season. UNC basketball has been fortunate the past few seasons, but injuries happen. And they don't necessarily happen because of the workouts, the brand of shoe, the strength and conditioning coach, or angry gods. 

I have loved UNC basketball most of my life, having moved to Chapel Hill at a very young age. I did all of my schooling in Chapel Hill through graduate school. Woolen Gym, however, was where I “studied” the most.

I hate seeing the team struggle. Just like you.

But UNC has always been my team. That will not change.

The road ahead is uncertain. That is a fact. What we think and say as fans has zero influence on the outcome of the games. But that does not mean we should bicker and blame, rather than applaud the tiny successes that this team will struggle to attain.

Celebrate those moments with them in the moment.