Friday, October 12, 2018

This Constant Storm

This constant storm
Crashes on my beach,
Abuses my soul, keeps
Dreams out of reach.

Swirling sand akin
To verbal abuse.
No one’s seeking
Any form of excuse.

Those on the left;
Those on the right:
Nuking the middle
With hate and spite.

Pounding the good book
With bias and greed;
It’s God’s will that
The innocent bleed.

Man, what kind of creed
Can do these things?
And folks still wonder
Why caged birds sing.

This constant storm
Keeps coming and coming.
Waves of anger,
Waves of despair,
Waves of methane
Killing the air.

Some say all’s well
with the atmospshere;
Yet the Arctic is melting,
Smog refuses to clear.

Pretty soon
No alien in space
Is gonna come here.

Why visit a planet
That can’t decide
Between fact tellers
And those who lied?

Alternative truth?
The universe is grinning:
“Those folks on Earth
Can't fathom losing from winning.”

Meanwhile entitled
Good Ole Boys
Keep spouting,
“Wham bam
Thank you mam
Grab that pussy
Cause I can!”

This constant storm
Is a huge harpoon
coming from every direction:
The only barrier
Is the coming election.

So quit whining
And cussing:
That’s no antidote;
Instead, bide your time
And by all means vote

A hundred times
If that’s what it takes
To turn this tide
Toward a more gentle norm
And remove the threat
Of this constant storm ... 

                                         This time.

                                                           For awhile.